Mountain paradise – Gradonna
Posjetili smo Gradonna Mountain Resort
Uobičajeno je ljudima da svoje destinacije za odmor biraju prema godišnjim dobima pa tako ljeti radije biraju morske, a zimi planinske krajeve. Nekako se to nalaže samo po sebi tako da ni mi sami nikada nismo birali drugačije.
Međutim, poziv usred ljeta na predstavljanje jednog novog, krajem prošle godine otvorenog planinskog Resorta u Austriji, promijenio je naše mišljenje. Puno lakše smo podnijeli ljetne vrućine, a zabave i uživanja u ljepoti prirode nije nam nedostajalo. Uputili smo se u tu planinsku destinaciju smještenu iznad malog mjesta Kals am Großglockner u istočnom dijelu Austrijske pokrajine Tirol. Taj je predio dio velikog nacionalnog parka, a mjesto je naziv dobilo prema istoimenom Großglockneru, najvišem planinskom vrhu Austrije od čak 3798 metara visine. No, zanimljivo je da to područje osim visokog Großglocknera okružuje čak 60-ak vrhova s visinom od preko 3000 metara. Planinsko turističko naselje koje je bilo cilj naše posjete, punog naziva Gradonna Mountain Resort Chalets & Hotel, sadržaja za četiri superior zvjezdice, nalazi se na 1350 metara nadmorske visine, a obuhvaća čak 41 ekskluzivan Chalet (planinska kućica) te vrhunski hotel.
We visited Gradonna Mountain Resort
It is common for people to choose their holiday destination according to the seasons, during summer, they rather choose the sea, and during winter, mountain regions. Somehow, it dictates itself, and we have never chosen differently.
However, the call for the presentation of a newly opened mountain resort in Austria in the middle of summer changed our opinion. It was much easier to deal with the summer heat, and at the same time, we were not lacking fun and enjoying nature’s beauty. We went to the mountain destination above the small village of Kals am Großglockner in the eastern part of the Austrian province of Tyrol. This region is part of a large National park, and the place was named after the Großglockner, Austria’s highest mountain top with 3798 meters of altitude. Interestingly, except for the Großglockner, this area surrounds even 60 peaks with a height of over 3000 meters. The mountain village, which was the goal of our visit, the full name Gradonna Mountain Resort Hotel & Chalets, with facilities for the four-star superior category, is located at 1350 meters above sea level and includes exclusive 41 Chalet and an excellent Hotel.
Pleasure to GO! web book – FREE
PHOTO & VIDEO – Robert Blaskovich
TEXT – Vesna Dzuverovich
Gradonna Mountain Resort – Kals-Austria 2013. – A whole new dimension of summer and winter holidays… great place for all of your senses…