Banana mini cakes

Banana Cakes: Sweet, Soft, and Full of Flavor

Get ready for a burst of flavor with these juicy banana cakes, perfect for any occasion. Bananas, the backbone of this recipe, are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are specifically versatile, and their sweet, fruity profile fits perfectly into a variety of recipes, from desserts to savory dishes.

Bananas originate from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and are nowadays grown in almost all tropical regions of the world. The most famous variety is the Cavendish, which dominates the markets due to its sweetness, convenient size, and creamy texture. However, other varieties, such as red bananas, small “Lady Finger” bananas, or plantation bananas, are also used in cooking.

Regarding nutritional value, bananas are rich in potassium, which supports heart health and blood pressure regulation, and vitamins C and B6, which boost immunity and help with metabolism. They are also excellent for quick energy, making them a favorite fruit of athletes and anyone looking for a healthy snack.

Bananas are known for their versatility and are easily blended in desserts with chocolate, peanut butter, nuts, and even exotic spices like cinnamon or cardamom. In this banana cake recipe, bananas’ natural sweetness fuses perfectly with the creamy filling and delicate dough, creating a dessert that no one will resist!



4 eggs
15 dag sugar
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 grated lemon peel
2 tbsp lukewarm water
10 dag plain flour
10 dag cornstarch
2 vanilla sugar
pinch of salt


500 ml milk
2 banana pudding powder
25 dag margarine
15 dag sugar
1 fresh banana


12 dag icing sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice



Separate the egg whites and yolks, then beat egg whites with 5 g of sugar and a pinch of salt until stiff. Whisk egg yolks with the remaining sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon zest, and juice.
Add lukewarm water and mix until the sugar dissolves. Then gradually add the flour combined with the cornstarch. Add the egg whites to the mixture. Pour the mixture into a baking tray and place in the preheated oven at 180° C for about 20 minutes.


Cook two banana pudding powders in half a liter of milk and set aside to cool the mixture. With a hand-held mixer beat the sugar with margarine and add it to a cooled pudding mixture. If desired, you can add fresh banana cut into small pieces.


Cut the cake with round molds. Connect two circles with a rich layer of filling. Lightly rub the filling with a knife to create a smooth aesthetic appearance.


Make the glaze by stirring icing sugar with lemon juice. Spread the paste on top of the cakes. You can decorate the cake with pieces of dried fruit, pistachios, chocolate, or similar.